Ada Instant Development Environment.

About AIDE

AIDE, Ada Instant Development Environment, make Ada integrated development environment setup a breeze. AIDE is intended to GNU/Linux Debian, Ubuntu and derivatives using Libre software. AIDE is written in Ada, as too GNAT Studio, the Ada IDE and GNAT, the GCC Ada compiler.

AIDE comes with a comprehensive manual.

We hope that AIDE will inspire new generations to create quality software. Ada is the best insurance to write reliable programs while being creative and having fun with an amazing language!

user@system: ./aide --help

AIDE - Ada Instant Development Environment
Copyright (C) Sowebio SARL 2020-2022, according to GPLv3.
aide v2.17 - v20 v0.11 - build 2022-05-11 16:34:55

Usage: aide [install]|activate|deactivate|update|remove|list|package [options]

 -t, --target=TARGET server|[station] with graphic IDE
 -y, --year=YEAR     2019|2020|[2021] GNAT CE Year edition

Running AIDE without option will create a station install of GNAT CE
2021 with IDE to ~/opt/gnat-2021 with docs, tools and libraries.

AIDE is intended to be used on Debian, Ubuntu & derivatives
distributions. You should first UPDATE & UPGRADE your system before
using AIDE, as some additional packages could be installed.

The AIDE installer help screen.

Why AIDE ?

With the recent advent of ALIRE, we initially thought that AIDE had outlived its usefulness. In fact, we had already validated the use of ALIRE with the v20 library, the ADAM environment for 8-bit microcontrollers or our new ALIRE based ADEL, Ada Development Environment on Linux. However, the development of the v22 framework has made us reconsider this choice, and we believe that in certain cases, where simplicity and flexibility are priorities, AIDE still has its place. In fact, we develop the v20 library, Genesix (our server cluster manager), AIDE itself, v22 and v22-based applications with AIDE.
The GNATStudio IDE in debugger mode.

AIDE history

AIDE has its roots from 2002 (v0.5) to 2005 (v1.4), with an edition for Windows that was favored by the 5th edition of the LSM (Libre Software Meeting) on Bordeaux in 2004 the 8th of july. After introducing AIDE, Martin and Xavier (13 years both at this time) has explained how they learn programming in Ada with AIDE.

Let’s hear from Ludovic Brenta, a prominent and well-known member of the Ada community:

“I was most impressed by two 13-year-old youths who started learning programming in February this year, and are already Ada die-hard after playing with Python for a while, and also looking at Lisp, C and Java ».

They understand that Ada is not a fashionable language but still prefer using a good language than a fashionable one. Even more stunning, they even prefer using Emacs instead of more graphical IDEs such as GPS (previous name of GNATStudio, GPS was renamed in 2020)! They’ve written a 2000-line text-mode application in Ada that allows them to draw pictures using ASCII block characters, save them into text files, read back and display them. They designed the file format themselves, and it turns out it is quite similar to XPM.

They have a second application that uses these files to display a « Start » menu with a number of applets, one of which is a fully working calculator. The father of one of these youths, Stéphane Rivière of AIDE fame, taught them the basics of Ada during 45-minute courses on Sundays, and they did all the rest by themselves with very little supervision. After only 4 months since their first exposure to programming, they understand and routinely use separate compilation and encapsulation, and were asking me questions about multitasking and game programming in Ada!

During these years, AIDE was a tool of choice for Ada trainers. They could set up an Ada training room in minutes on any PC!

Then time passed, Windows no longer exists for us, nor does it seem relevant for a free software developer concerned with his tools. Martin and Xavier had dreamed of a version of AIDE for Debian. It was time to re-create AIDE for our own needs – high availability servers cluster management and web applications – and to share it with the free software community.