Demo Gnoga – Tic-tac-toe


Gnoga program to play Tic-tac-toe,  provide by Jeffrey R. Carter from  PragmAda Software Engineering.

Source code

-- Tic_Tac_Toe: a program to play Tic-Tac-Toe
-- Copyright (C) 2016 by PragmAda Software Engineering.  All rights reserved.
-- 2016 Aug 26     J. Carter      V1.0--Initial version
package Tic_Tac_Toe is
   pragma Pure;
end Tic_Tac_Toe;
-- This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-- Foundation; version 2.
-- This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-- for more details. Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite
-- 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

-- Tic_Tac_Toe: a program to play Tic-Tac-Toe
-- Copyright (C) 2016 by PragmAda Software Engineering.  All rights reserved.
-- 2016 Aug 26     J. Carter      V1.0--Initial version
-- Tic_Tac_Toe: user interface
package Tic_Tac_Toe.UI is
   pragma Elaborate_Body;
end Tic_Tac_Toe.UI;
-- This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-- Foundation; version 2.
-- This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-- for more details. Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite
-- 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.


-- Tic_Tac_Toe: a program to play Tic-Tac-Toe
-- Copyright (C) 2016 by PragmAda Software Engineering.  All rights reserved.
-- 2016 Aug 26     J. Carter      V1.0--Initial version
with Gnoga.Application.Multi_Connect;
with Gnoga.Gui.Base;
with Gnoga.Gui.Element.Common;
with Gnoga.Gui.Element.Form;
with Gnoga.Types.Colors;
with Gnoga.Gui.View.Grid;
with Gnoga.Gui.Window;

package body Tic_Tac_Toe.UI is
   use Gnoga;
   use all type Gnoga.String;

   subtype String is Gnoga.String;

   subtype Row_ID is Integer range 1 .. 3;
   subtype Column_ID is Integer range 1 .. 3;

   type Piece_ID is (X, O, Empty);

   type Board_Set is array (Row_ID, Column_ID) of Piece_ID;

   Empty_Board : constant Board_Set := (Row_ID => (Column_ID => Empty));

   type Button_Set is array (Row_ID, Column_ID) of Gnoga.Gui.Element.Common.Button_Type;

   subtype Square_String is String;

   X_Mark     : constant Square_String := "X";
   O_Mark     : constant Square_String := "O";
   Empty_Mark : constant Square_String := " ";

   type App_Info is new Gnoga.Types.Connection_Data_Type with record
      Window      : Gnoga.Gui.Window.Pointer_To_Window_Class;
      Grid        : Gnoga.Gui.View.Grid.Grid_View_Type;
      Left_View   : Gnoga.Gui.View.View_Type;
      Right_View  : Gnoga.Gui.View.View_Type;
      Square      : Button_Set;
      Message     : Gnoga.Gui.Element.Common.Span_Type;
      Control     : Gnoga.Gui.Element.Form.Form_Type;
      Won         : Gnoga.Gui.Element.Form.Text_Type;
      Won_Label   : Gnoga.Gui.Element.Form.Label_Type;
      Lost        : Gnoga.Gui.Element.Form.Text_Type;
      Lost_Label  : Gnoga.Gui.Element.Form.Label_Type;
      Kat         : Gnoga.Gui.Element.Form.Text_Type;
      Kat_Label   : Gnoga.Gui.Element.Form.Label_Type;
      First_Check : Gnoga.Gui.Element.Form.Check_Box_Type;
      First_Label : Gnoga.Gui.Element.Form.Label_Type;
      Again       : Gnoga.Gui.Element.Common.Button_Type;
      Quit        : Gnoga.Gui.Element.Common.Button_Type;

      Board         : Board_Set;
      Player        : Piece_ID      := X;
      Computer      : Piece_ID      := O;
      Player_Mark   : Square_String := X_Mark;
      Computer_Mark : Square_String := O_Mark;
      Num_Won       : Natural       := 0;
      Num_Lost      : Natural       := 0;
      Num_Kat       : Natural       := 0;
      Player_Move   : Natural       := 0;
      Computer_Move : Natural       := 0;
   end record;

   type App_Ptr is access all App_Info;

   Your_Turn : constant String := "Your turn";
   You_Won   : constant String := "You won";
   You_Lost  : constant String := "You lost";
   Kat_Game  : constant String := "Kat game";

   package Logic is
      procedure Process_Player_Move
        (App    : in out App_Info;
         Row    : in     Row_ID;
         Column : in     Column_ID);
      -- Respond to Player moving to (Row, Column)

      procedure Reset (App : in out App_Info);
      -- Reset the board for a new game
   end Logic;

   package body Logic is separate;

   procedure Square_Click (Object : in out Gnoga.Gui.Base.Base_Type'Class) is
      Name : constant String := Object.ID;

      Row    : constant Row_ID    := Value (Name.Slice (Name.First, Name.First));
      Column : constant Column_ID := Value (Name.Slice (Name.Last, Name.Last));

      App : constant App_Ptr := App_Ptr (Object.Connection_Data);
   begin -- Square_Click
      Logic.Process_Player_Move (App => App.all, Row => Row, Column => Column);
   end Square_Click;

   procedure New_Game (Object : in out Gnoga.Gui.Base.Base_Type'Class) is
      App : constant App_Ptr := App_Ptr (Object.Connection_Data);
   begin -- New_Game
      Logic.Reset (App => App.all);
   end New_Game;

   End_Message : constant String := "Tic-Tac-Toe ended.";

   procedure On_Quit (Object : in out Gnoga.Gui.Base.Base_Type'Class) is
      App : constant App_Ptr := App_Ptr (Object.Connection_Data);

      View : Gnoga.Gui.View.View_Type;
   begin -- On_Quit
      View.Create (Parent => App.Window.all);
      View.Put_Line (Message => End_Message);
   exception -- On_Quit
      when E : others =>
         Gnoga.Log (Message => "On_Quit: ", Occurrence => E);
   end On_Quit;

   procedure On_Connect
     (Main_Window : in out Gnoga.Gui.Window.Window_Type'Class;
      Connection  :        access Gnoga.Application.Multi_Connect.Connection_Holder_Type)
      function Image
        (Row    : Row_ID;
         Column : Column_ID)
         return String;
      -- Returns a 2-Character String of the form "RC", where
      --    R is the image of Row
      --    C is the image of Column

      function Image
        (Row    : Row_ID;
         Column : Column_ID)
         return String
         Row_Image    : constant String := Image (Row);
         Column_Image : constant String := Image (Column);
      begin -- Image
         return From_Unicode (Row_Image (Row_Image.Last) & Column_Image (Column_Image.Last));
      end Image;

      Button_Size : constant := 100;

      App : constant App_Ptr := new App_Info;
   begin -- On_Connect
      Main_Window.Connection_Data (Data => App);
      App.Window := Main_Window'Unchecked_Access;
      App.Grid.Create (Parent => Main_Window, Layout => Gnoga.Gui.View.Grid.Horizontal_Split);
      App.Grid.Background_Color (Enum => Gnoga.Types.Colors.Light_Blue);
      App.Left_View.Create (Parent => App.Grid.Panel (1, 1).all);
      App.Left_View.Background_Color (Enum => Gnoga.Types.Colors.Light_Blue);
      App.Left_View.Text_Alignment (Value => Gnoga.Gui.Element.Center);
      App.Board := Empty_Board;

      Square_Rows :
      for Row in App.Square'Range (1) loop
         Square_Columns :
         for Column in App.Square'Range (2) loop
            App.Square (Row, Column).Create
              (Parent => App.Left_View, Content => Empty_Mark, ID => On_Connect.Image (Row, Column));
            App.Square (Row, Column).Overflow (Value => Gnoga.Gui.Element.Hidden);
            App.Square (Row, Column).Vertical_Align (Value => Gnoga.Gui.Element.Middle);
            App.Square (Row, Column).Minimum_Width (Value => Button_Size);
            App.Square (Row, Column).Maximum_Width (Value => Button_Size);
            App.Square (Row, Column).Minimum_Height (Value => Button_Size);
            App.Square (Row, Column).Maximum_Height (Value => Button_Size);
            App.Square (Row, Column).Text_Alignment (Value => Gnoga.Gui.Element.Center);
            App.Square (Row, Column).Margin (Top => "1px", Right => "1px", Bottom => "1px", Left => "1px");
            App.Square (Row, Column).Border (Width => "thin");
            App.Square (Row, Column).Font (Height => "xx-large");
            App.Square (Row, Column).Background_Color (Enum => Gnoga.Types.Colors.Yellow);
            App.Square (Row, Column).On_Click_Handler (Handler => Square_Click'Access);
         end loop Square_Columns;

         App.Left_View.Put_HTML (HTML => "<br />");
      end loop Square_Rows;

      App.Message.Create (Parent => App.Left_View, Content => Your_Turn);

      App.Right_View.Create (Parent => App.Grid.Panel (1, 2).all);
      App.Right_View.Background_Color (Enum => Gnoga.Types.Colors.Light_Blue);
      App.Control.Create (Parent => App.Right_View);
      App.Control.Background_Color (Enum => Gnoga.Types.Colors.Light_Blue);
      App.Control.Text_Alignment (Value => Gnoga.Gui.Element.Center);
      App.Won.Create (Form => App.Control, Size => 4, Value => "0");
      App.Won_Label.Create (Form => App.Control, Label_For => App.Won, Content => "Won");
      App.Lost.Create (Form => App.Control, Size => 4, Value => "0");
      App.Lost_Label.Create (Form => App.Control, Label_For => App.Lost, Content => "Lost");
      App.Kat.Create (Form => App.Control, Size => 4, Value => "0");
      App.Kat_Label.Create (Form => App.Control, Label_For => App.Kat, Content => "Kat");
      App.First_Check.Create (Form => App.Control, Checked => False);
        (Form => App.Control, Label_For => App.First_Check, Content => "Computer moves 1st", Auto_Place => False);
      App.Again.Create (Parent => App.Control, Content => "New Game");
      App.Again.On_Click_Handler (Handler => New_Game'Access);
      App.Quit.Create (Parent => App.Control, Content => "Quit");
      App.Quit.On_Click_Handler (Handler => On_Quit'Access);
   exception -- On_Connect
      when E : others =>
         Gnoga.Log (Message => "On_Connect: ", Occurrence => E);
   end On_Connect;
begin -- Tic_Tac_Toe.UI
   Gnoga.Application.Title (Name => "Tic-Tac-Toe");
   Gnoga.Application.HTML_On_Close (HTML => End_Message);
   Gnoga.Application.Multi_Connect.On_Connect_Handler (Event => On_Connect'Access);
exception -- Tic_Tac_Toe.UI
   when E : others =>
      Gnoga.Log (E);
end Tic_Tac_Toe.UI;
-- This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-- Foundation; version 2.
-- This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-- for more details. Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite
-- 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.


-- Tic_Tac_Toe: a program to play Tic-Tac-Toe
-- Copyright (C) 2016 by PragmAda Software Engineering.  All rights reserved.
-- 2016 Aug 26     J. Carter      V1.0--Initial version
separate (Tic_Tac_Toe.UI)
package body Logic is
   procedure Process_Player_Move
     (App    : in out App_Info;
      Row    : in     Row_ID;
      Column : in     Column_ID)
      procedure Disable_All (App : in out App_Info);
      -- Disables all the board squares

      procedure Enable_Empty (App : in out App_Info);
      -- Enables board squares that are empty

      function Game_Won
        (App : App_Info)
         return Boolean;
      -- Returns True if (Row, Column) results in a row, column, or diagonal with 3 of App.Player in a row; False otherwise

      function Count_Row
        (App   : App_Info;
         Row   : Row_ID;
         Value : Piece_ID)
         return Natural;
      -- Returns the number of squares in Row with value Value

      function Count_Column
        (App    : App_Info;
         Column : Column_ID;
         Value  : Piece_ID)
         return Natural;
      -- Returns the number of squares in Column with value Value

      function Count_UL_Diag
        (App   : App_Info;
         Value : Piece_ID)
         return Natural;
      -- Returns the number of squares in the UL-LR diagonal with value Value

      function Count_UR_Diag
        (App   : App_Info;
         Value : Piece_ID)
         return Natural;
      -- Returns the number of squares in the UR-LL diagonal with value Value

      procedure Computer_Move
        (App : in out App_Info;
         Won :    out Boolean);
      -- Chooses and makes Computer's move
      -- Won is True if this move causes Computer to win; False otherwise

      procedure Disable_All (App : in out App_Info) is
         -- Empty
      begin -- Disable_All
         All_Rows :
         for Row in App.Square'Range (1) loop
            All_Columns :
            for Column in App.Square'Range (2) loop
               App.Square (Row, Column).Disabled;
            end loop All_Columns;
         end loop All_Rows;
      end Disable_All;

      procedure Enable_Empty (App : in out App_Info) is
         -- Empty
      begin -- Enable_Empty
         All_Rows :
         for Row in App.Square'Range (1) loop
            All_Columns :
            for Column in App.Square'Range (2) loop
               if App.Board (Row, Column) = Empty then
                  App.Square (Row, Column).Disabled (Value => False);
               end if;
            end loop All_Columns;
         end loop All_Rows;
      end Enable_Empty;

      function Game_Won
        (App : App_Info)
         return Boolean
         Count : Natural := Count_Row (App, Row, App.Player);
      begin -- Game_Won
         if Count = 3 then
            return True;
         end if;

         Count := Count_Column (App, Column, App.Player);

         if Count = 3 then
            return True;
         end if;

         if Row = Column then -- On UL-LR diagonal
            Count := Count_UL_Diag (App, App.Player);

            if Count = 3 then
               return True;
            end if;
         end if;

         if (Row = 1 and Column = 3) or (Row = 2 and Column = 2) or (Row = 3 and Column = 1) then -- On UR-LL diagonal
            Count := Count_UR_Diag (App, App.Player);

            return Count = 3;
         end if;

         return False;
      end Game_Won;

      function Count_Row
        (App   : App_Info;
         Row   : Row_ID;
         Value : Piece_ID)
         return Natural
         Result : Natural := 0;
      begin -- Count_Row
         All_Columns :
         for Column in App.Board'Range (2) loop
            if App.Board (Row, Column) = Value then
               Result := Result + 1;
            end if;
         end loop All_Columns;

         return Result;
      end Count_Row;

      function Count_Column
        (App    : App_Info;
         Column : Column_ID;
         Value  : Piece_ID)
         return Natural
         Result : Natural := 0;
      begin -- Count_Column
         All_Rows :
         for Row in App.Board'Range (1) loop
            if App.Board (Row, Column) = Value then
               Result := Result + 1;
            end if;
         end loop All_Rows;

         return Result;
      end Count_Column;

      function Count_UL_Diag
        (App   : App_Info;
         Value : Piece_ID)
         return Natural
         Result : Natural := 0;
      begin -- Count_UL_Diag
         Count :
         for RC in App.Board'Range (1) loop
            if App.Board (RC, RC) = Value then
               Result := Result + 1;
            end if;
         end loop Count;

         return Result;
      end Count_UL_Diag;

      function Count_UR_Diag
        (App   : App_Info;
         Value : Piece_ID)
         return Natural
         Result : Natural   := 0;
         Column : Column_ID := Column_ID'Last;
      begin -- Count_UR_Diag
         Count :
         for Row in App.Board'Range (1) loop
            if App.Board (Row, Column) = Value then
               Result := Result + 1;
            end if;

            if Column > Column_ID'First then
               Column := Column - 1;
            end if;
         end loop Count;

         return Result;
      end Count_UR_Diag;

      procedure Computer_Move
        (App : in out App_Info;
         Won :    out Boolean)
         type Count_Set is array (Row_ID, Column_ID) of Natural;

         procedure Find_Winning_Move
           (App : in out App_Info;
            Won :    out Boolean);
         -- If there's a winning move, makes it and sets Won to True
         -- Otherwise, sets Won to False

         procedure Block_Player
           (App   : in out App_Info;
            Moved :    out Boolean);
         -- If Player can win, moves to block and sets Moved to True
         -- Otherwise, sets Moved to False

         procedure Check_Special_Cases
           (App   : in out App_Info;
            Moved :    out Boolean);
         -- If any of the special cases apply, makes the correct move and sets Moved to True
         -- Otherwise, sets Moved to False
         -- These replace the heuristic "prevent Player from getting 2 in a row in more than one direction"
         -- Except for 6 cases on the Computer's 2nd move when Player is X and the Computer has moved in the center, this is
         -- accomplished by the other heuristics, so it's easier to just check those special cases

         function Board_Count
           (App : App_Info)
            return Count_Set;
         -- Returns the number of directions Computer can get 2 in a row for each square

         procedure Make_2_In_A_Row
           (App   : in out App_Info;
            Count : in     Count_Set;
            Moved :    out Boolean);
         -- If Computer can make 2 in a row, makes that move

         procedure Move_Empty (App : in out App_Info);
         -- Finds an empty square and moves there

         procedure Find_Winning_Move
           (App : in out App_Info;
            Won :    out Boolean)
            -- Empty
         begin -- Find_Winning_Move
            Won := False;

            if App.Computer_Move <= 2 then
            end if;

            Win_Rows :
            for Row in App.Board'Range (1) loop
               Win_Columns :
               for Column in App.Board'Range (2) loop
                  if App.Board (Row, Column) = Empty then
                     if Count_Row (App, Row, App.Computer) = 2 or Count_Column (App, Column, App.Computer) = 2 then
                        App.Board (Row, Column) := App.Computer;
                        App.Square (Row, Column).Text (Value => App.Computer_Mark);
                        Won := True;

                     end if;

                     if Row = Column and then Count_UL_Diag (App, App.Computer) = 2 then -- On UL-LR diagonal
                        App.Board (Row, Column) := App.Computer;
                        App.Square (Row, Column).Text (Value => App.Computer_Mark);
                        Won := True;

                     end if;

                     if ((Row = 1 and Column = 3) or (Row = 2 and Column = 2) or (Row = 3 and Column = 1))
                       and then Count_UR_Diag (App, App.Computer) = 2 -- On UR-LL diagonal
                        App.Board (Row, Column) := App.Computer;
                        App.Square (Row, Column).Text (Value => App.Computer_Mark);
                        Won := True;

                     end if;
                  end if;
               end loop Win_Columns;
            end loop Win_Rows;
         end Find_Winning_Move;

         procedure Block_Player
           (App   : in out App_Info;
            Moved :    out Boolean)
            -- Empty
         begin -- Block_Player
            Moved := False;

            if App.Player_Move <= 1 then
            end if;

            Block_Rows :
            for Row in App.Board'Range (1) loop
               Block_Columns :
               for Column in App.Board'Range (2) loop
                  if App.Board (Row, Column) = Empty then
                     if Count_Row (App, Row, App.Player) = 2 or else Count_Column (App, Column, App.Player) = 2
                       or else (Row = Column and then Count_UL_Diag (App, App.Player) = 2)
                       or else -- On UL-LR diagonal

                       (((Row = 1 and Column = 3) or (Row = 2 and Column = 2) or (Row = 3 and Column = 1))
                        and then Count_UR_Diag (App, App.Player) = 2) -- On UR-LL diagonal
                        App.Board (Row, Column) := App.Computer;
                        App.Square (Row, Column).Text (Value => App.Computer_Mark);
                        Moved := True;

                     end if;
                  end if;
               end loop Block_Columns;
            end loop Block_Rows;
         end Block_Player;

         procedure Check_Special_Cases
           (App   : in out App_Info;
            Moved :    out Boolean)
            -- Empty
         begin -- Check_Special_Cases
            Moved := False;

            if App.Computer_Move /= 2 or App.Board (2, 2) /= App.Computer or App.Player /= X then
            end if;

            if (App.Board (1, 1) = App.Player and App.Board (3, 3) = App.Player) or
              (App.Board (1, 3) = App.Player and App.Board (3, 1) = App.Player)
               App.Board (1, 2) := App.Computer;
               App.Square (1, 2).Text (Value => App.Computer_Mark);
               Moved := True;

            end if;

            if App.Board (1, 1) = App.Player and App.Board (3, 2) = App.Player then
               App.Board (3, 1) := App.Computer;
               App.Square (3, 1).Text (Value => App.Computer_Mark);
               Moved := True;

            end if;

            if (App.Board (1, 3) = App.Player and App.Board (3, 2) = App.Player) or
              (App.Board (2, 3) = App.Player and App.Board (3, 2) = App.Player)
               App.Board (3, 3) := App.Computer;
               App.Square (3, 3).Text (Value => App.Computer_Mark);
               Moved := True;

            end if;

            if App.Board (2, 1) = App.Player and App.Board (3, 3) = App.Player then
               App.Board (3, 1) := App.Computer;
               App.Square (3, 1).Text (Value => App.Computer_Mark);
               Moved := True;
            end if;
         end Check_Special_Cases;

         function Board_Count
           (App : App_Info)
            return Count_Set
            Count : Count_Set := (Row_ID => (Column_ID => 0));
         begin -- Board_Count
            Count_Rows :
            for Row in App.Board'Range (1) loop
               Count_Columns :
               for Column in App.Board'Range (2) loop
                  if App.Board (Row, Column) = Empty then
                     if Count_Row (App, Row, App.Computer) = 1 and then Count_Row (App, Row, Empty) = 2 then
                        Count (Row, Column) := Count (Row, Column) + 1;
                     end if;

                     if Count_Column (App, Column, App.Computer) = 1 and then Count_Column (App, Column, Empty) = 2 then
                        Count (Row, Column) := Count (Row, Column) + 1;
                     end if;

                     if Row = Column and then Count_UL_Diag (App, App.Computer) = 1
                       and then Count_UL_Diag (App, Empty) = 2
                        Count (Row, Column) := Count (Row, Column) + 1;
                     end if;

                     if ((Row = 1 and Column = 3) or (Row = 2 and Column = 2) or (Row = 3 and Column = 1))
                       and then Count_UR_Diag (App, App.Computer) = 1 and then Count_UR_Diag (App, Empty) = 2
                        Count (Row, Column) := Count (Row, Column) + 1;
                     end if;
                  end if;
               end loop Count_Columns;
            end loop Count_Rows;

            return Count;
         end Board_Count;

         procedure Make_2_In_A_Row
           (App   : in out App_Info;
            Count : in     Count_Set;
            Moved :    out Boolean)
            procedure Move_If_2
              (App    : in out App_Info;
               Count  : in     Count_Set;
               Row    : in     Row_ID;
               Column : in     Column_ID;
               Moved  :    out Boolean);
            -- If (Row, Column) is empty and makes 2 in a row for Computer, moves there and sets Moved to True
            -- Otherwise, sets Moved to False

            procedure Move_If_2
              (App    : in out App_Info;
               Count  : in     Count_Set;
               Row    : in     Row_ID;
               Column : in     Column_ID;
               Moved  :    out Boolean)
               -- Empty
            begin -- Move_If_2
               Moved := False;

               if Count (Row, Column) > 0 and App.Board (Row, Column) = Empty then
                  App.Board (Row, Column) := App.Computer;
                  App.Square (Row, Column).Text (Value => App.Computer_Mark);
                  Moved := True;
               end if;
            end Move_If_2;
         begin -- Make_2_In_A_Row
            Move_If_2 (App => App, Count => Count, Row => 2, Column => 2, Moved => Moved); -- Center is best

            if Moved then
            end if;

            Move_If_2 (App => App, Count => Count, Row => 1, Column => 1, Moved => Moved); -- Corners 2nd best

            if Moved then
            end if;

            Move_If_2 (App => App, Count => Count, Row => 1, Column => 3, Moved => Moved);

            if Moved then
            end if;

            Move_If_2 (App => App, Count => Count, Row => 3, Column => 1, Moved => Moved);

            if Moved then
            end if;

            Move_If_2 (App => App, Count => Count, Row => 3, Column => 3, Moved => Moved);

            if Moved then
            end if;

            Move_If_2 (App => App, Count => Count, Row => 1, Column => 2, Moved => Moved); -- Edge last choice

            if Moved then
            end if;

            Move_If_2 (App => App, Count => Count, Row => 2, Column => 1, Moved => Moved);

            if Moved then
            end if;

            Move_If_2 (App => App, Count => Count, Row => 2, Column => 3, Moved => Moved);

            if Moved then
            end if;

            Move_If_2 (App => App, Count => Count, Row => 3, Column => 2, Moved => Moved);
         end Make_2_In_A_Row;

         procedure Move_Empty (App : in out App_Info) is
            procedure Move_If_Empty
              (App    : in out App_Info;
               Row    : in     Row_ID;
               Column : in     Column_ID;
               Moved  :    out Boolean);
            -- If (Row, Column) is empty, moves there and sets Moved to True; otherwise, sets Moved to False

            procedure Move_If_Empty
              (App    : in out App_Info;
               Row    : in     Row_ID;
               Column : in     Column_ID;
               Moved  :    out Boolean)
               -- Empty
            begin -- Move_If_Empty
               Moved := False;

               if App.Board (Row, Column) = Empty then
                  App.Board (Row, Column) := App.Computer;
                  App.Square (Row, Column).Text (Value => App.Computer_Mark);
                  Moved := True;
               end if;
            end Move_If_Empty;

            Moved : Boolean;
         begin -- Move_Empty
            Move_If_Empty (App => App, Row => 2, Column => 2, Moved => Moved); -- Move in the center if possible

            if Moved then
            end if;

            Move_If_Empty (App => App, Row => 1, Column => 1, Moved => Moved); -- Move in a corner if possible

            if Moved then
            end if;

            Move_If_Empty (App => App, Row => 1, Column => 3, Moved => Moved);

            if Moved then
            end if;

            Move_If_Empty (App => App, Row => 3, Column => 1, Moved => Moved);

            if Moved then
            end if;

            Move_If_Empty (App => App, Row => 3, Column => 3, Moved => Moved);

            if Moved then
            end if;

            Move_If_Empty (App => App, Row => 1, Column => 2, Moved => Moved); -- Move to an edge otherwise

            if Moved then
            end if;

            Move_If_Empty (App => App, Row => 2, Column => 1, Moved => Moved);

            if Moved then
            end if;

            Move_If_Empty (App => App, Row => 2, Column => 3, Moved => Moved);

            if Moved then
            end if;

            Move_If_Empty (App => App, Row => 3, Column => 2, Moved => Moved);

            if not Moved then
               raise Program_Error with "Move_Empty: impossible";
            end if;
         end Move_Empty;

         Moved : Boolean;
         Count : Count_Set;
      begin -- Computer_Move
         App.Computer_Move := App.Computer_Move + 1;

         Find_Winning_Move (App => App, Won => Won); -- See if Computer can win

         if Won then
         end if;

         Block_Player (App => App, Moved => Moved); -- See if Player will win if not blocked

         if Moved then
         end if;

           (App => App, Moved => Moved); -- Prevent Player from getting 2 in a row in more than one direction

         if Moved then
         end if;

         if App.Computer_Move > 1
         then -- Count the # of directions that a move in each square gives 2 computer and 1 empty
            Count := Board_Count (App);

            Force_Rows :
            for Row in App.Board'Range (1) loop -- If any count > 1 then Computer can force a win
               Force_Columns :
               for Column in App.Board'Range (2) loop
                  if Count (Row, Column) > 1 then
                     App.Board (Row, Column) := App.Computer;
                     App.Square (Row, Column).Text (Value => App.Computer_Mark);

                  end if;
               end loop Force_Columns;
            end loop Force_Rows;

            -- Moving to make 2 in a row forces PLayer to block
            Make_2_In_A_Row (App => App, Count => Count, Moved => Moved);

            if Moved then
            end if;
         end if;

         Move_Empty (App => App); -- No moves that make 2 in a row, so move to an empty square
      end Computer_Move;

      Won : Boolean;
   begin -- Process_Player_Move
      Disable_All (App => App);
      App.Player_Move := App.Player_Move + 1;
      App.Message.Text (Value => "");
      App.Board (Row, Column) := App.Player;
      App.Square (Row, Column).Text (Value => App.Player_Mark);

      if Game_Won (App) then
         App.Num_Won := App.Num_Won + 1;
         App.Won.Value (Value => App.Num_Won);
         App.Message.Text (Value => You_Won);

      end if;

      if App.Player_Move >= 5 and then App.Player = X then -- Player moved 1st, didn't win, no more moves, so kat
         App.Num_Kat := App.Num_Kat + 1;
         App.Kat.Value (Value => App.Num_Kat);
         App.Message.Text (Value => Kat_Game);

      end if;

      Computer_Move (App => App, Won => Won);

      if Won then -- Computer won, Player lost
         App.Num_Lost := App.Num_Lost + 1;
         App.Lost.Value (Value => App.Num_Lost);
         App.Message.Text (Value => You_Lost);

      end if;

      if App.Computer_Move >= 5 and then App.Computer = X then -- Comuter moved 1st, didn't win, no more moves, so kat
         App.Num_Kat := App.Num_Kat + 1;
         App.Kat.Value (Value => App.Num_Kat);
         App.Message.Text (Value => Kat_Game);

      end if;

      Enable_Empty (App => App);
      App.Message.Text (Value => Your_Turn);
   exception -- Process_Player_Move
      when E : others =>
         Gnoga.Log (Message => "Process_Player_Move: ", Occurrence => E);
   end Process_Player_Move;

   procedure Reset (App : in out App_Info) is
      -- Empty
   begin -- Reset
      All_Rows :
      for Row in App.Square'Range (1) loop
         All_Columns :
         for Column in App.Square'Range (2) loop
            App.Square (Row, Column).Text (Value => Empty_Mark);
            App.Square (Row, Column).Disabled (Value => False);
         end loop All_Columns;
      end loop All_Rows;

      App.Player_Move   := 0;
      App.Computer_Move := 0;
      App.Board         := Empty_Board;
      App.Message.Text (Value => Your_Turn);

      if not App.First_Check.Checked then
         App.Player        := X;
         App.Player_Mark   := X_Mark;
         App.Computer      := O;
         App.Computer_Mark := O_Mark;
         App.Player        := O;
         App.Player_Mark   := O_Mark;
         App.Computer      := X;
         App.Computer_Mark := X_Mark;
         App.Board (2, 2)  := App.Computer;
         App.Square (2, 2).Text (Value => App.Computer_Mark);
         App.Square (2, 2).Disabled;
         App.Computer_Move := 1;
      end if;
   exception -- Reset
      when E : others =>
         Gnoga.Log (Message => "Reset: ", Occurrence => E);
   end Reset;
end Logic;
-- This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-- Foundation; version 2.
-- This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-- for more details. Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite
-- 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.


-- Tic_Tac_Toe: a program to play Tic-Tac-Toe
-- Copyright (C) 2016 by PragmAda Software Engineering.  All rights reserved.
-- 2016 Aug 26     J. Carter      V1.0--Initial version
-- Tic_Tac_Toe: main program procedure
with Tic_Tac_Toe.UI;

procedure Tic_Tac_Toe.Program is
   -- Empty
begin -- Tic_Tac_Toe.Program
end Tic_Tac_Toe.Program;
-- This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-- Foundation; version 2.
-- This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-- for more details. Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite
-- 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

Project file

with "settings.gpr";
with "gnoga.gpr";

project Tic_Tac_Toe is

   for Object_Dir use Settings.Obj_Dir;
   for Exec_Dir use Settings.Exe_Dir;
   for Main use ("tic_tac_toe-program.adb");
   for Create_Missing_Dirs use Settings'Create_Missing_Dirs;

   package Builder is
      for Executable ("tic_tac_toe-program.adb") use "tic_tac_toe";
   end Builder;

   package Compiler is
      for Default_Switches ("Ada") use Settings.Compiler'Default_Switches ("Ada") & "-gnatyN";
   end Compiler;

   package Binder renames Settings.Binder;
   package Linker renames Settings.Linker;
   package Pretty_Printer renames Settings.Pretty_Printer;

end Tic_Tac_Toe;