v22 phase 3 alpha 1


2023 – 4 weeks : Stéphane Rivière, Sowebio CTO.

v22: Porting the v20 library to the v22 framework.

v22.Uxs: Add UXStrings and delete v20.Vst.

v22.Sql: Removing Dmiti Kazakov’s SQLite bind and replacing it with David Botton’s MySQL and SQLite bind and upgrading v22.Sql functions as the two binds have a different approach. Debugging of the Gnoga.Database.Server binding and work on v22.Sql to make the MySQL and SQLite interface perfectly normalized.

v22.Sql: This work shows that v22.Sql is far superior to v20.Sql. N databases can now be opened simultaneously (interesting for gateways), integrated data dictionaries are more elaborate, an exception automatically closes all database connections, etc.
